Pupil Voice
Infant School
School Council
Classes vote for two pupil councillors. Pupil councillors meet regularly to discuss issues and next steps, with Mrs Pickersgill. Our two main areas of development, at the moment are:
Development of "Building Learning Powers" throughout the school
Improving Playground zones
Playground leaders
Playground leaders are appointed by their class to help set out our playground zones and to encourage positive play outside.
House Captains
We elect house captains through a voting system. Two house captains represent each house. Our houses are red, yellow, blue and green. A house captain is responsible for motivating their house, collecting house point totals and sharing this during an assembly.
Our computing lead, Mrs Madden, is in charge of our E-Cadets. They meet regularly during the term to share and discuss issues arising relating to E-Safety. This information is then fed back to classes by the E-Cadets. E-Cadets also share information with parents to encourage safe online use at home.
Junior School
School Council
There are two children from each class on the school council who were voted to represent their class. The school council meet regularly each half term. This year the school council have selected four key projects which they feel will help improve the school. These include:
Updating the books in the library
Creating a calm friendship area outside the Year 4 classrooms
Restocking the playground equipment
Work with H3CS to improve the school dinners
All fundraising events this year will help go towards these projects.
House Captains
We have four houses who are led by two house captains. Each half term new house captains are voted into the role by the the children in their house. House captains help to represent their house at internal events, take responsibility for counting weekly house points and act as excellent role models to the rest of the school whilst motivating their house.
Each class has one e-cadet. Their job is to help promote safer internet use across the school. The e-cadets will meet with Miss Laverick regularly to feedback to their class important messages and key information. E-Cadets also play an important role in delivering assemblies and helping to manage some of the IT equipment.
Pupil Librarians
Our pupil librarians work with the school librarian, Mrs Gamble, to help run the library. They open the library up at lunchtime to other pupils as well as have a say in new books the school could purchase and library displays.
Play Leaders
Play leaders complete 6 sessions of training in how to help lead and manage games at lunchtime. The can be easily identified on the playground by their high-vis bibs.