Family Support

We offer pastoral support to all of our pupils to ensure that our children feel safe and secure and know that there are adults within school who they can talk to and who will listen to them. 

In their roles, our pastoral staff work directly with families to support them with a range of needs, such as behaviour, attendance, anxiety and support for families in times of need. They work with our SENDCo to direct families to external agencies for further support.    

At the Infant School, Mrs O'Dwyer is our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) and Mrs Davies is our Parent Support Advisor. Mrs Davies also runs the TALA program.

At the Junior School, Mrs Ledgister is our Parent Support Advisor (PSA) and our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA). Mrs Tonen runs the TALA programme at the junior school.

As ELSAs, Mrs Ledgister and Mrs O'Dwyer run a variety of programmes to support children's emotional needs, such as recognising and managing emotions, self-esteem, friendships, anger management or coping with bereavement. They work with children on a 1:1 basis or in a small group, either for a one-off session or she will work with children over a few weeks. 

Our teachers work closely with Mrs Cook (SENDCo) and our pastoral staff to identify children who might benefit from support.

Please contact your child's class teacher with any questions regarding the pastoral support available. Alternatively, you can contact one of the school offices to make an appointment.

The documents and weblinks below are to support families in times of need. 


Educational Psychology telephone support line

NHS Family well being pack

Young minds self harm

Supporting children with bereavement

School Nursing Text Message Advice Service

Tips to support children with their worries and anxiety


Parents meeting powerpoint

Setting Boundaries

What's behind the behaviour?  (workshop)