
The role of the governors is to support and challenge the school.

School governors are responsible for working with the Executive Headteacher and school staff to ensure that all children receive the best educational opportunities.  We meet as a Full Governing Body and in Curriculum and Resources sub-committees every half-term.

Should you wish to view the minutes taken please contact the office for further information.

Governors also carry out other duties such as overseeing how the school’s budget is spent, appointment and dismissal of staff, making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe and setting and monitoring the school’s aims and policies.

Overall, the duties of the Governors fall into three main areas:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the education performance of the school.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sue its money is well spent.

We also attend training courses provided by Hampshire County Council to develop our knowledge of primary education.


Members of the Orchard Lea Federation Governing Body

Luisa Corta  Chair, Co-opted Governor

Nicola Coles Vice Chair

Sarah Ackerman Executive Head teacher 

Clare Hawkins  (Associate member- no voting rights)

Caroline Williams (Associate member- no voting rights)

Lisa De Carteret  

Rachel Chopra

Gary Fisher

Laura Russell

Alex Kirkup

Louis Verlaine

Our Governing body has 2 committees:

1. Curriculum and Standards

This committee meets every half term and  provides assurance on all matters relating to teaching and learning, the curriculum, data and the pupil premium. 

2. Resources

This committee overseas the financial aspect of the Federation. Health and Safety and personnel matters are also overseen.

Previous Governors at Orchard Lea Federation

Declarations of Interest

Governor Newsletter Spring 2024

Governor Newsletter Summer 2024

Governor Attendance 2023-24

Useful Documentation

Hampshire Governors Guide

Pecuniary Interest & Governor Roles

Governor Expense Policy

Hampshire's Governor pages