
We strive to ensure that all pupils are in school on time every day. 

Attendance and Lateness


Attendance Policy

Working Together to Improve School Attendance

When a child's attendance falls below 90% we begin to monitor attendance more carefully. See below for the steps we will take.

Steps for supporting persistent absence

If a child is absent from school for 10 sessions (5 days) in a 100-day period, and the absences are unauthorised, for example, if a family holiday is taken for a week, then the schools will issue a fixed penalty notice. See the attendance policy above and also the leaflet below for further guidance.

Updated leave of absence form

We do not authorise time out of school for holidays. Should you need to request that your child has some time out of school during term time then we ask that you complete the form below and return to the relevant school office.

Penalty notice guidance for parents/carers Sept 2024

Is my child too ill to go to school?

If you are not sure whether or not to send your child to school then you can call the relevant school office. Alternatively, you may find the NHS guidance useful.

NHS Guidance